The self destructive now
January 5, 2024 There is a popular saying: What comes around goes around. That has been happening and it has been difficult to see where it is leading. In my house growing up Paul McCartney and Wings was a common ambient sound in the background. A popular listen for us was the Wings Wildlife album.… Continue reading
Looking through a frosted window
One moment you are walking on firm ground, the next you are floating on the ISS. When you are on the ground, it has been ages since you have been floating, but when you are floating, it has been a few seconds. The days begin, and they are foreign but anticipated. Winter is here, but… Continue reading
There is a war: Part 5
3 million young men, some homeless, all jobless, many hungry, and with hungry loved ones at home answered the call. A beacon promising 30 dollars wages a month, of which $25 was to be sent home, and better physical conditioning and more hiring appeal to those 18-25 years old. It was hard work that made… Continue reading
December ends
A cold day of exploring designed to smooth out the paths of future sunny days. I cannot take a trip like this without it bringing back sweet memories of years past. Some of these seem like moments ago and others, impossibly distant. I wrote a piece back in September called “January just has to deal… Continue reading
This is not what I expected
In the final hours of the year twenty-twenty-three, I had thought that I might write something thoughtful. It would be deep yet be witty. It would be thought provoking and sharp. But when I arrived at the end of this year, I did not find that. What I did find was unexpected, yet appropriate for… Continue reading
Full circle
Friday, December 29, 2023 I could never help the impulse that I need to do something. From the moment you stood on your feet, I wanted to give you an edge that made it so you couldn’t possibly fall. For all of the disappointments I have known as a child, as an adult I worked… Continue reading
The words without a story
Empathic technology: words spoken by a woman named Poppy Crum. I had the privilege of attending a keynote speech she gave in Nashville several years ago. She skillfully explained that technology can now read the hundreds of signals humans are putting out at any given moment. Advertising is now targeted like a smart missile to… Continue reading
The normal of chaos
It is that sweet blanket that makes you feel warm and safe. Home is that place where you can just let go and be. For so many years that has been turbulence for me. Fighting my way through the stages of my life always suggested that it should pay some sort of beneficial dividend. As… Continue reading
The avalanche at dawn
It is that soft music in utero, darkest before the dawn notes that play. Awareness arrives and it is not understood, yet awareness comes and then, the land is lit, the strings, the horns, the percussion all storm into existence and the sun does rise. It is where we are right now. Soon the expanse… Continue reading
It’s what you value
There is flavor in places that we do not expect. It is in the kindness shown to us by our children based on what they have learned from us when we did not know that we were teaching. It is in the ghosts of songs long forgotten half a century ago. The young man who… Continue reading